The Legacy of Rosemary Gladstar

     Rosemary Gladstar is internationally renowned for her technical knowledge and stewardship in the global herbalist community. She has been learning, teaching and writing about herbs for over 40 years. Rosemary is the author of twelve books and director of The Science and Art of Herbalism, an in-depth home study course with thousands of students enrolled across the globe.

     In addition to her classes and books, Rosemary is known for her outreach and advocacy as a voice for the plants. Rosemary has coined, named, and popularized several common herbal remedies such as “Fire Cider” that have become part of the modern herbalist’s medicine kit. Rosemary has defended these traditional medicines against corporate trademark all the way to Federal Court to ensure access for future generations.

     Rosemary is also the Founding President of United Plant Savers, an organization dedicated to medicinal plant conservation, and past director of the New England Women’s Conference and the International Herb Symposium. Rosemary was the co-founder and original formulator of  Traditional Medicinal Tea Company.

     She recently moved from her home at Sage Mountain, where she has lived, taught and worked for the past 30 years ~ to a smaller haven where she plans to plant a small garden, dream more, do less, and spend more time with the plants. You can find her courses and books at this link.

Three Decades of Conservation

The care of the Earth is our most ancient and most worthy, and after all our most pleasing responsibility. To cherish what remains of it and to foster its renewal is our only hope.

     Rosemary’s family, friends, and neighbors worked tirelessly for the last thirty years to protect and conserve the wilderness corridor at Sage Mountain, extensively documenting the flora and fauna, collaborating with conservation agencies, acquiring adjacent parcels to expand the Sanctuary’s boundaries by over 20%, and providing opportunities for people to build relationship with and learn from the land to carry these conservation principles out into the world. Sage Mountain is recognized by the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources, Vermont Department of Fish and Wildlife, ACT 250, and has participated in the programs with the Natural Resources Conservation Services and the Vermont Youth Conservation Corps.

Three Decades of Education

     Thousands of students have visited Sage Mountain to sit at the feet of Rosemary Gladstar and some of the world’s most renowned herbal teachers. Though the knowledge and wisdom shared at programs and events has been outstanding, the teachings of Sage Mountain have been far more than just informational in nature.  Rich in spirit, they’ve nourished the heart as well as the mind.  Through an ever-growing network with other herbalists and herbal events around the country, this center has cultivated a strong green community keeping the earth-based tradition of herbalism alive and thriving in this country.



     Often referred to as an herbal renaissance or resurgence, interest in herbalism has grown exponentially in the past thirty years. Sage Mountain has been a beacon in cultivating a growing green movement, transforming modern health care in this country and serving as an incubator for hundreds of herbal companies to take root. Organizations and events such as United Plant Savers, the International Herbal Symposium, the New England Women’s Herbal Conference, the Tradition not Trademark movement, the Herbal Action Network, and many other grassroots initiatives began as seeds planted on this land.

    The wild spirit of this mountain has been an inspiration to an entire generation of herbalists, with tens of thousands of students visiting as part of their learning and healing journey. Program graduates include such herbalists as Bevin Clare, president of American Herbalist Guild, Melanie and Jeff Carpenter of Zach Woods Herb Farm, Jovial King of Urban Moonshine, and Summer Singeltary of the Kosmic Kitchen.

Three Decades of Healing

     Thousands of students have visited Sage Mountain to sit at the feet of Rosemary Gladstar and some of the world’s most renowned herbal teachers. Though the knowledge and wisdom shared at programs and events has been outstanding, the teachings of Sage Mountain have been far more than just informational in nature.  Rich in spirit, they’ve nourished the heart as well as the mind.  Through an ever-growing network with other herbalists and herbal events around the country, this center has cultivated a strong green community keeping the earth-based tradition of herbalism alive and thriving in this country.

When despair for the world grows in me
and I wake in the night at the least sound
in fear of what my life and my children’s lives may be,
I go and lie down where the wood drake
rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.
I come into the peace of wild things
Who do not tax their lives with forethought of grief.

I come into the presence of still water
And I feel above me the day-blind stars waiting with their light.
For a time I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.

     Programs at Sage Mountain Botanical Sanctuary have long been known for their excellence in education, but the lifelong impression that students carry home is far more than just knowledge – indeed, students leave this mountain transformed in spirit. The intersection of personal healing and the healing of our planet has been central to the legacy of Rosemary Gladstar and Sage Mountain, and it is this potential for symbiotic relationship that we carry forth in our educational programs and publications.

     As we are healed by the spirit of the wilderness and are in turn inspired to steward and advocate for nature, we honor and celebrate the legacy of all of those who have contributed to Sage Mountain Botanical Sanctuary. We continue this work in honor of Rosemary, her son, and grandson, in the hopes that the education and enrichment experienced here will be of benefit to the heart and soul of future generations.

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