
     The intersection of personal healing and the healing of our planet has been central to the legacy of Rosemary Gladstar and Sage Mountain, and it is this potential for symbiotic relationship that we carry forth in our educational programs and publications.

Individual & Personal Healing

     We as humans are dependent on both nature, and our relationships for survival. In an increasingly fractured world, reconnecting with our roots grounds us to our inner being. By interacting with the earth we nurture our roots; and by interacting with others we nurture our soul. Sage Mountain offers a variety of on site and online learning programs that are designed to help you nurture and heal with nature.

Planetary Healing

     Without our planet, there would be no “us.” It is our understanding and union with nature that has empowered our species to become all that we are. When we give back to the earth, we preserve a bit of humanity each and every time. At Sage Mountain we offer interactive programs that teach new generations to appreciate what nature has provided, and to preserve it for our children’s children.


     In acknowledgement and gratitude for the generosity of the natural world, service and giving back is at the heart of the Sage Mountain mission.

     Whether through youth programs, scholarship support, residencies, Hospice gardens, or outreach education, our focus is giving back to the community we serve.

You can support our efforts through a tax-deductible charitable contribution.

Personal Retreats

     Sage Mountain is a sanctuary for plants, animals, and people. We offer respite in the quiet nooks and crannies of our forests and gardens for individuals from all walks of life to restore, renew, and rejuvenate. Whether a self-guided weekend in the woods, a weeklong curated retreat with personal catering, yoga, and massage, or a month long residency, a visit to Sage Mountain can soothe the soul and bring solace to the spirit. We are now accepting applications and reservations for our 2024 retreat season. Submit your inquiry below and our office staff will contact you with more information.

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